RACE - MECHANICAL PROBLEMS REPORT Starting scan of replay file(this might take a while)... Searching for race data... Replay file starts 01.026s into the race. Race data found - beginning detection. Leader of the race starts lap 1 5m43.970s Ryan Heuser - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with right side bodywork. severe problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 5m49.740s Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with right side bodywork. severe problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 2 7m25.080s Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. 7m25.740s Ryan Heuser - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 3 9m04.630s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 4 Leader of the race starts lap 5 11m43.520s David Baldinger - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 6 Leader of the race starts lap 7 Leader of the race starts lap 8 Leader of the race starts lap 9 Leader of the race starts lap 10 Leader of the race starts lap 11 Leader of the race starts lap 12 Leader of the race starts lap 13 Leader of the race starts lap 14 Leader of the race starts lap 15 24m03.520s Markell Murphy - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 16 Leader of the race starts lap 17 Leader of the race starts lap 18 Leader of the race starts lap 19 Leader of the race starts lap 20 Leader of the race starts lap 21 Leader of the race starts lap 22 Leader of the race starts lap 23 Leader of the race starts lap 24 36m27.740s Michael Henson - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. Leader of the race starts lap 25 37m15.970s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 37m18.860s Michael Henson retires! Official retirement reason is: Camshaft Leader of the race starts lap 26 Leader of the race starts lap 27 Leader of the race starts lap 28 Leader of the race starts lap 29 Leader of the race starts lap 30 Leader of the race starts lap 31 Leader of the race starts lap 32 Leader of the race starts lap 33 48m05.080s Jimmie Stevens - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 34 Leader of the race starts lap 35 50m51.520s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 36 Leader of the race starts lap 37 Leader of the race starts lap 38 Leader of the race starts lap 39 56m53.740s Markell Murphy - spotters reporting: minor problems with left front bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 40 57m03.520s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. David Baldinger - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. medium problems with hood bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. severe problems with hood bodywork. David Baldinger - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. hood bodywork damage is being repaired. minor problems with left front bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. David Baldinger - spotters reporting: severe problems with rear bodywork. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. 57m11.740s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 41 59m20.860s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: minor problems with front bodywork. 59m21.970s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 59m41.740s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. 59m42.630s Jimmie Stevens - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. 59m44.630s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 59m47.970s Jeremy Hebel - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. Dave Miller - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 59m48.630s Jeremy Hebel - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 59m48.860s Jeremy Hebel - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 42 60m38.630s David Baldinger - spotters reporting: rear bodywork is entirely removed. 60m39.300s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. hood bodywork is entirely removed. left front bodywork damage is being repaired. 61m18.630s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 61m30.410s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 61m33.080s Jeremy Hebel - spotters reporting: hood bodywork damage is being repaired. 61m37.300s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 61m54.190s Jonathan Skrabacz - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. 61m56.410s Bink Lucas - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 43 Leader of the race starts lap 44 64m55.970s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. severe problems with right side bodywork. right side bodywork damage is being repaired. severe problems with right side bodywork. right side bodywork damage is being repaired. severe problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 45 Leader of the race starts lap 46 Leader of the race starts lap 47 Leader of the race starts lap 48 71m03.520s Dave Miller - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 49 Leader of the race starts lap 50 Leader of the race starts lap 51 74m29.080s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 52 Leader of the race starts lap 53 Leader of the race starts lap 54 79m02.860s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 55 Leader of the race starts lap 56 81m37.740s Scott Jackson - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 57 83m13.080s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 58 Leader of the race starts lap 59 85m15.740s Matt Raboin - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. 85m38.860s Scott Jackson - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 60 Leader of the race starts lap 61 Leader of the race starts lap 62 Leader of the race starts lap 63 91m06.410s Jimmie Stevens - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 64 Leader of the race starts lap 65 Leader of the race starts lap 66 Leader of the race starts lap 67 Leader of the race starts lap 68 Leader of the race starts lap 69 98m01.080s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 98m29.520s Matt Raboin - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 99m04.410s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 70 Leader of the race starts lap 71 Leader of the race starts lap 72 Leader of the race starts lap 73 Leader of the race starts lap 74 104m30.410s Dave Miller - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. 105m39.740s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 75 106m03.080s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. John Battista - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with rear bodywork. John Battista - spotters reporting: medium problems with hood bodywork. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. severe problems with rear bodywork. John Battista - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. severe problems with hood bodywork. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. John Battista - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. the engine problem is getting worse. 106m40.190s Dave Miller retires! Official retirement reason is: Ignition 107m05.080s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: minor problems with front bodywork. minor problems with left side bodywork. 107m05.300s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with left side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 76 107m06.410s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. severe problems with left side bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine has exploded. minor problems with a fuel leak. 107m06.630s Rod Weston - spotters reporting: Rod Weston - spotters reporting: fuel leak is being repaired. severe problems with a coolant leak. severe problems with roof bodywork. severe problems with an oil leak. medium problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. severe problems with right side bodywork. Ryan Heuser - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with hood bodywork. minor problems with left front bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. severe problems with left side bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. the engine problem is getting worse. 107m06.860s Ryan Heuser - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. Rod Weston - spotters reporting: medium problems with front bodywork. medium problems with right front bodywork. Ryan Heuser - spotters reporting: the engine has exploded. medium problems with a coolant leak. severe problems with roof bodywork. medium problems with an oil leak. oil leak is being repaired. severe problems with a coolant leak. 107m07.080s Ryan Heuser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 107m25.300s John Battista retires! Official retirement reason is: Retired 107m44.860s Rod Weston retires! Official retirement reason is: Accident 108m00.630s Ryan Heuser retires! Official retirement reason is: Accident Leader of the race starts lap 77 Leader of the race starts lap 78 110m55.520s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with hood bodywork. Steven Spears - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 110m55.970s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: minor problems with front bodywork. 110m56.860s Scott Jackson - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. 110m57.080s Matt Raboin - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. 111m05.970s Jimmie Stevens - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. 111m12.190s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: right side bodywork damage is being repaired. 111m14.410s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 111m14.630s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 111m17.740s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 111m20.630s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: hood bodywork damage is being repaired. 111m51.970s David Butterworth - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 79 112m54.190s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. medium problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. severe problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 112m55.080s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 112m59.080s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. medium problems with hood bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. severe problems with hood bodywork. Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. hood bodywork damage is being repaired. minor problems with right front bodywork. Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: severe problems with rear bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 80 114m16.630s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 114m23.300s Logan Sheets - spotters reporting: minor problems with hood bodywork. 114m30.410s Jeremy Hebel - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 114m59.520s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 115m01.740s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 115m53.080s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: is out of fuel. Leader of the race starts lap 81 116m14.860s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 116m29.300s Chauncey Redmond Jr. - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 116m38.190s Ziggy Moonglow - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. 116m41.080s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: is now refueled and started up. 116m49.740s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: hood bodywork damage is being repaired. rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 116m55.520s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. hood bodywork is entirely removed. 117m11.080s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: rear bodywork is entirely removed. right side bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 82 119m03.740s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 83 Leader of the race starts lap 84 Leader of the race starts lap 85 122m56.190s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: medium problems with the fuel system. 123m10.410s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: severe problems with rear bodywork. 123m10.630s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. the engine problem is getting worse. Leader of the race starts lap 86 123m59.740s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. 124m24.860s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 124m27.740s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. Leader of the race starts lap 87 125m46.860s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: fuel system is being repaired. rear bodywork is entirely removed. 126m10.410s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 88 127m55.520s Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 127m55.740s Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: medium problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. severe problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 127m56.860s Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 127m57.300s Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: medium problems with right side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. minor problems with left side bodywork. severe problems with right side bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: medium problems with left side bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. severe problems with left side bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: medium problems with right side bodywork. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: severe problems with right side bodywork. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 127m57.520s Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: left side bodywork damage is being repaired. 127m58.630s Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. medium problems with left front bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. the engine problem is getting worse. minor problems with hood bodywork. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. minor problems with hood bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. medium problems with hood bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with hood bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: the engine has exploded. severe problems with a coolant leak. hood bodywork damage is being repaired. medium problems with roof bodywork. severe problems with roof bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. minor problems with front bodywork. severe problems with hood bodywork. medium problems with right front bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. 127m58.860s Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. severe problems with rear bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: minor problems with left rear bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. minor problems with rear bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: medium problems with left side bodywork. Zach Michael - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. medium problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with roof bodywork. the engine has exploded. the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. the engine has exploded. 127m59.080s Zakk Miller - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. medium problems with left side bodywork. severe problems with left side bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 127m59.300s Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. 127m59.970s Adam Crapser - spotters reporting: severe problems with rear bodywork. Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with hood bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. 128m00.190s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. medium problems with hood bodywork. minor problems with left front bodywork. severe problems with hood bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. hood bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 89 129m10.190s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with right front bodywork. the engine problem is getting worse. Rick Jackson - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: the engine problem is getting worse. the engine problem is getting worse. Rick Jackson - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. Rick Jackson - spotters reporting: severe problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 129m21.080s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 129m23.520s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. 129m25.520s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 129m29.970s Zakk Miller - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 129m33.080s Dalton Lucas - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 129m33.740s Steven Spears - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. medium problems with rear bodywork. current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 130m04.630s Alan Nesfeder - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. Alan Nesfeder retires! Official retirement reason is: Retired hood bodywork is entirely removed. left front bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 90 131m10.860s William Perry - spotters reporting: minor problems with front bodywork. 131m17.970s Adam Crapser retires! Official retirement reason is: Accident 131m18.190s Ben Geer - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. 131m31.300s Molemar Diggs - spotters reporting: the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. right front bodywork damage is being repaired. 131m34.190s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: hood bodywork damage is being repaired. rear bodywork damage is being repaired. 131m39.300s Zach Michael retires! Official retirement reason is: Accident 131m39.740s Zakk Miller - spotters reporting: rear bodywork damage is being repaired. left side bodywork damage is being repaired. 131m39.970s Steve Inkman - spotters reporting: right rear tire explodes. 131m54.860s Geno Sphere - spotters reporting: left rear bodywork damage is being repaired. rear bodywork is entirely removed. left side bodywork damage is being repaired. right side bodywork damage is being repaired. Leader of the race starts lap 91 134m36.630s Alex Crapser - spotters reporting: minor problems with left side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 92 Leader of the race starts lap 93 136m39.520s Jimmie Stevens - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 94 Leader of the race starts lap 95 Leader of the race starts lap 96 Leader of the race starts lap 97 141m39.970s Timothy McDonnell - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 98 Leader of the race starts lap 99 Leader of the race starts lap 100 147m03.970s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: medium problems with rear bodywork. 147m31.300s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 148m31.740s Dan Johnston - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 101 149m14.190s Dalton Lucas - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. 149m37.300s Scott Jackson - spotters reporting: minor problems with rear bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 102 Leader of the race starts lap 103 Leader of the race starts lap 104 154m19.970s Trae Larkin - spotters reporting: medium problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 105 155m36.630s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. Leader of the race starts lap 106 156m51.080s Dan Johnston - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. 156m55.970s Craig Lee - spotters reporting: medium problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 107 158m14.630s Jimmie Stevens - spotters reporting: medium problems with right side bodywork. 158m26.410s Zakk Miller - spotters reporting: minor problems with right side bodywork. Leader of the race starts lap 108 Leader of the race starts lap 109 Leader of the race starts lap 110 161m11.300s Chauncey Redmond Jr. - spotters reporting: the car has an engine problem. 162m16.630s Chauncey Redmond Jr. retires! Official retirement reason is: Camshaft The winner of the race crosses the finish line. (Assuming replay covers the end of the race) End of replay file found - stopping detection. END OF RACE STATUS The cars had the following damage by the end of the race: The Player: No damage Pace Car: No damage Trae Larkin: medium problems with rear bodywork. medium problems with right side bodywork. Geno Sphere: minor problems with left rear bodywork. rear bodywork is entirely removed. minor problems with left side bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Tony Pizzaro: No damage Jeremy Hebel: minor problems with hood bodywork. minor problems with rear bodywork. Ken Pettit: No damage Zakk Miller: minor problems with rear bodywork. medium problems with left side bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Dan Johnston: minor problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Jonathan Skrabacz: minor problems with left side bodywork. Johnny Reed Foley: No damage John Tharp: No damage Ryan Heuser: the engine has exploded. severe problems with a coolant leak. minor problems with hood bodywork. minor problems with left front bodywork. severe problems with roof bodywork. severe problems with left side bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Rod Weston: the engine has exploded. severe problems with an oil leak. severe problems with a coolant leak. medium problems with front bodywork. hood bodywork is entirely removed. minor problems with left front bodywork. medium problems with right front bodywork. severe problems with rear bodywork. severe problems with roof bodywork. severe problems with left side bodywork. severe problems with right side bodywork. Alex Crapser: minor problems with hood bodywork. minor problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with left side bodywork. David Baldinger: minor problems with hood bodywork. rear bodywork is entirely removed. John Battista: the car has an engine problem. severe problems with hood bodywork. Steven Spears: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with front bodywork. hood bodywork is entirely removed. minor problems with right front bodywork. medium problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Markell Murphy: minor problems with left front bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Ziggy Moonglow: minor problems with left side bodywork. Bink Lucas: minor problems with left side bodywork. Logan Sheets: minor problems with hood bodywork. Michael Henson: the car has an engine problem. Molemar Diggs: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with front bodywork. minor problems with right front bodywork. rear bodywork is entirely removed. minor problems with left side bodywork. Jimmie Stevens: minor problems with hood bodywork. medium problems with right side bodywork. William Perry: minor problems with front bodywork. Dalton Lucas: minor problems with rear bodywork. Bill Werkheiser: No damage Matthew Dominique: No damage Chauncey Redmond Jr.: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with rear bodywork. Timothy McDonnell: minor problems with right side bodywork. Donald Stewart: No damage Scott Jackson: minor problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Dakota Wilkins: No damage Rick Jackson: severe problems with rear bodywork. Ben Geer: minor problems with rear bodywork. Adam Crapser: the engine has exploded. severe problems with a coolant leak. minor problems with hood bodywork. medium problems with left front bodywork. severe problems with rear bodywork. severe problems with roof bodywork. severe problems with left side bodywork. severe problems with right side bodywork. Cristian Torres: No damage Matt Raboin: minor problems with right side bodywork. David Butterworth: minor problems with left side bodywork. Craig Lee: minor problems with rear bodywork. medium problems with right side bodywork. Zach Michael: the engine has exploded. minor problems with front bodywork. severe problems with hood bodywork. medium problems with right front bodywork. medium problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with roof bodywork. severe problems with right side bodywork. Dave Miller: the car has an engine problem. minor problems with rear bodywork. minor problems with right side bodywork. Steve Inkman: No damage Alan Nesfeder: the car has an engine problem. hood bodywork is entirely removed. minor problems with left front bodywork. rear bodywork is entirely removed. minor problems with right side bodywork. DAMAGE COST SUMMARY (Change part costs in File->Options) Driver Bodywork Engine Other Total Rod Weston 4714 5000 500 10214 Adam Crapser 4000 5000 250 9250 Ryan Heuser 3000 5000 250 8250 Zach Michael 2381 5000 0 7381 Dave Miller 143 3889 0 4032 Michael Henson 0 3651 0 3651 Chauncey Redmond Jr. 71 3254 0 3325 Alan Nesfeder 1214 556 0 1770 Steven Spears 1071 317 0 1388 Molemar Diggs 786 159 0 945 Geno Sphere 786 0 0 786 John Battista 429 238 0 667 David Baldinger 571 0 0 571 Rick Jackson 429 0 0 429 Trae Larkin 429 0 0 429 Zakk Miller 357 0 0 357 Craig Lee 357 0 0 357 Jimmie Stevens 286 0 0 286 Jeremy Hebel 214 0 0 214 Alex Crapser 214 0 0 214 Markell Murphy 214 0 0 214 Scott Jackson 143 0 0 143 Dan Johnston 143 0 0 143 Dalton Lucas 143 0 0 143 Logan Sheets 71 0 0 71 Bink Lucas 71 0 0 71 David Butterworth 71 0 0 71 William Perry 71 0 0 71 Timothy McDonnell 71 0 0 71 Ben Geer 71 0 0 71 Matt Raboin 71 0 0 71 Ziggy Moonglow 71 0 0 71 Jonathan Skrabacz 71 0 0 71 Please note that as this replay file doesn't cover the entire race damage to cars that retired before the replay starts might not be reported! Generated with NASCAR2003 Replay Analyzer