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Tracks in Progress
dig818Date: Friday, 26-May-23, 7:08 PM | Message # 31
Shop Hand
Group: Drivers
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Sorry to hijack this thread but the spam blocker wont let me start a new one.

How do I get Daytona 1988 to work. I followed the instructions but it always says track isn't found.

Me and my buddy made a 1990 carset with car ratings from that year. We are
doing a career mode. 1988 Daytona would be a nice addition.
T18Date: Saturday, 27-May-23, 5:42 PM | Message # 32
Shop Hand
Group: Administrators
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Daytona 1988 is an NR2003 track and does not function in N4.
dig818Date: Monday, 29-May-23, 5:25 PM | Message # 33
Shop Hand
Group: Drivers
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Oh, ok. It was in the N4 Track list. Thanks for letting me know smile
T18Date: Wednesday, 31-May-23, 11:01 AM | Message # 34
Shop Hand
Group: Administrators
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Quote dig818 ()
Oh, ok. It was in the N4 Track list. Thanks for letting me know smile
Odd, I'll go fix that now, thanks for letting me know.
dig818Date: Saturday, 01-July-23, 5:15 PM | Message # 35
Shop Hand
Group: Drivers
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Hey guys, I hate to hijack this thread but I can't post my own. I installed
N4 on my gaming computer. Every time I hit Drive to enter track the
game crashes. I've tried just about every combination
of compatibility, resolution, and graphics settings. I can watch
replays just fine, but as soon as I enter the track it crashes. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Added (04-March-24, 7:56 PM)
Figured it out. I turned off DEP (Data Execution Protection) in my windows settings but it was still on. You
can tell if its on by bringing up Task Manager, clicking on the Details
Tab, and right clicking to bring up the DEP column. But to turn it off
for individual programs, search "Exploit Protection" in the taskbar.
Click "Program Settings" and then add the program by file path. Then it
will be off for sure. It also worked with Nr2002.

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