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2014 NORL Winter Classic
T018Date: Thursday, 18-December-14, 8:54 PM | Message # 1
Cup Driver
Group: Administrators
Messages: 527
Status: Offline
Monday Dec 22rd 9PM ET @ Snowstorm Speedway V2
Be there.
kevo55Date: Thursday, 18-December-14, 9:27 PM | Message # 2
Crew Chief
Group: Administrators
Messages: 205
Status: Offline
bump up the start time to 10 n ill be there for sure

2012 most wrecks involved in
2012 race to the wrecker champion
2012 most flips in a year award
TonyPizzarolosthispwDate: Monday, 22-December-14, 8:14 PM | Message # 3
Nationwide Driver
Group: Administrators
Messages: 258
Status: Offline
I'll be there!
kevo55Date: Tuesday, 23-December-14, 5:02 PM | Message # 4
Crew Chief
Group: Administrators
Messages: 205
Status: Offline
if you guys could delay til 9:30 i could see if i could skip outta work at 9 tonight and attempt to make it, no guarantees. tim or tony pm me for my cell number so i can keep yall updated

Added (23-December-14, 5:02 PM)
Update, looks like ill be leaving at 9, would appreciate it if yall would wait up smile

2012 most wrecks involved in
2012 race to the wrecker champion
2012 most flips in a year award
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