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iRacing Series
Zakkmiller14Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 2:11 PM | Message # 1
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 101
Status: Offline
If i were to purchase an iRacing League for us to use. would anybody be interested in running in a series?

I'm just thinking about creating one. I'd buy it. no entry fee or anything. we could probably start by having some Basic Tracks like Charlotte, Daytona (Both cause theyre fun), Talladega, Texas, and more mile 1/2s. then we could try some short tracks and road courses. probably just Lime Rock since its easy and everyone has it. It wont be an Official NORL series since i doubt the NORL would allow it. but i know quite a bit of drivers here are iRacers. Also if anybody else applies for the league who isn't part of the NORL, they will race too if i feel like i can trust them.

We will probably use the Cup cars.

I just want to say though, that im willing to spend the money on it if anyone is willing to back me up on this project.
As a prize for a championship, I'm thinking about making a custom diecast of the champions car and maybe something else.

ill probably have a good sized schedule of about 15-20 races. or in between that number. mostly easy raceable tracks to start with.
i would like to know your thoughts guys. plenty more to talk about.

I'll be paying for it myself.

NR2003 Champion
Wired71Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 2:50 PM | Message # 2
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
Count me in. Prefer a later start then 9pm though if possible. Like the truck mod better but id be down for either or.

Also you should probably run fixed sets. The setups there are a bitch to figure out.

Message edited by Wired71 - Tuesday, 23-October-12, 2:50 PM
Zakkmiller14Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 3:07 PM | Message # 3
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 101
Status: Offline
yeah Scott, I was going to start out with fixed setups. What i think I could do, is do trucks at first. then Nationwide cars. then cup cars if i feel we are ready.
Starting time could be later. i might run shorter races too. maybe like 80 lappers at mile and a halfs. and 60 lappers at Superspeedways.

Any feedback is helpful

NR2003 Champion
Wired71Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 3:16 PM | Message # 4
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
JB and i talked about wanting to do this at one point. It is not that expensive. I'd be down. I love iracing!

Could even try to do like a mixed series. Like one track one week is Legends, next week is Whelen, next week is Trucks, next week is Street Stocks etc.

Variety is the spice of life lol.

It would really be contingent on who had what and how many people were interested. If not you stick to one Series each season. Or do 2 1/2 seasons.
Zakkmiller14Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 3:31 PM | Message # 5
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 101
Status: Offline
yeah it does. im also epecting some applicants from the iRacing community too. people always apply to random leagues..

i want to do one steady Car per series. who knows. different days might have different series eventually. like a legends series. Trucks. and Cup series. Ill just have to go with the flow as things progress.

NR2003 Champion
Wired71Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 3:34 PM | Message # 6
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
thats cool. If you need help let me know. Cool part is you dont need anyone to host haha
Zakkmiller14Date: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 3:40 PM | Message # 7
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 101
Status: Offline
i certainly will. and yeah.

NR2003 Champion
JBattistaDate: Tuesday, 23-October-12, 5:31 PM | Message # 8
Nationwide Driver
Group: Drivers
Messages: 333
Status: Offline
my subscription ran out sad count me out

2012 F.A.S.T. N4 Drag Racing Champion
2012 F.A.S.T. N4 End of the World Special @ Snowstorm Speedway Winner
2013 N.O.R.L. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Champion
2012-2013 Most Popular Driver
"I hope he has malaria." - Tony Pizzaro
Wired71Date: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 9:21 AM | Message # 9
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
re-up JB!
kevo55Date: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 11:01 AM | Message # 10
Crew Chief
Group: Administrators
Messages: 205
Status: Offline
i find it hilarious that as soon as you got the chance you wanted to put a sim in that only a VERY limited number of people here have and many will never have.... wacko

2012 most wrecks involved in
2012 race to the wrecker champion
2012 most flips in a year award
Wired71Date: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 11:35 AM | Message # 11
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
Kev one has nothing to do with the other. We can do Iracing with or without NORL as a lot of us do it on the side anyway. And if you've ever raced Iracing. Its a lot better then Papyrus stuff.

As a matter of fact JB and I had discussed doing this awhile ago. I just havent had the time. So i am glad Zakk stepped up since he barely races anywhere else but iracing.

Message edited by Wired71 - Wednesday, 24-October-12, 11:36 AM
T018Date: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 12:45 PM | Message # 12
Cup Driver
Group: Administrators
Messages: 527
Status: Offline
Fwiw, Iracing is Papyrus....
Wired71Date: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 2:16 PM | Message # 13
Crew Chief
Group: Drivers
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
yeah...but it really isnt but it is but really truly isnt. And its sooooooo different and better!
LebuttreDate: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 4:30 PM | Message # 14
Group: In-Active Drivers
Messages: 82
Status: Offline
im in too would be cool to do some late mofrl short tracks
JBattistaDate: Wednesday, 24-October-12, 4:45 PM | Message # 15
Nationwide Driver
Group: Drivers
Messages: 333
Status: Offline
same here as zach. christmas time i will be back up....no point in paying for a sim that ISN'T LIKE THE PAPYRUS SIMS that kevin has nothing to do with that doesnt even run on my computer

2012 F.A.S.T. N4 Drag Racing Champion
2012 F.A.S.T. N4 End of the World Special @ Snowstorm Speedway Winner
2013 N.O.R.L. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Champion
2012-2013 Most Popular Driver
"I hope he has malaria." - Tony Pizzaro
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