Alex Crapser and Lucas Racing have been on the biggest tear of their N.O.R.L. career since beginning their affiliation with R2W in late May. Alex has an impressive average finish of 2.8 in his last nine starts, capturing victories at California, Daytona and North Carolina. Besides Scott Jackson, nobody has defeated the R2W/Lucas Racing duo since Craig Lee at TOC thirteen races ago. Alex is on the verge of capturing his third N.O.R.L. title if his success keeps up.

Craig Lee has not recorded a top-3 finish since his victory at TOC nearly two months ago. His average finish in the last ten races is above six, which is arguably the worst stretch of Craig's N.O.R.L. Career. Quick Silver Motorsports is clearly on a downhill slide while teams like Lucas Racing are stepping up their game and taking their place as a top-tier team. There's no telling when this slump will end.