Horrified neighborhoods along with racefans screaming through the corridors of the Nashville Fairgrounds, diving for sanctuary as the racing gods permeate a "demon purple" across the skyline. Explosions reverberate as the grandstands shake vigorously enough to scare the mightiest of Bonanza race fans. "This is Franz McFerrend's way of telling us to get lost" said one spectator. McFerrend banned Extravaganza from this racetrack in 1978 in an attempt to crucify east coast "redneck" racing. Ironically, he is buried in nearby Murfreesboro and can probably sense the return of Nashville Racing from the grave. Time will tell if the race will go on, as the phantom-hellions of Extravaganza torment their second-tier series.
Saturday, June 19th, 3:00 PM ET