Qualifying Results
Immense action! Intense traction! $10,000,000 and a Speedweeks purse of $50,000,000+ are in the grasp of Extravaganza's 45 best. Underdogs Steve Inkman and David Courtney bring the rapid expansion of consumable sponsors to the forefront! Cheeze-It's and Bran Flakes enter their first Daytona 500, with ballpark-warriors Molemar Diggs and Jeremy Hebel ready to promote their brands in exquisite style! Duel winners Dave Miller an Ken Pettit lead the field to the green, branding the "Smoker's or Choker's" campaign with avid non-smoker's Logan Sheets and Alan Nesfeder starting directly behind. Here is the last five Daytona 500 winners:
2019: John Tharp
2020: John Tharp
2021: Alex Crapser
2022: Dalton Lucas
2023: Tony Pizzaro

Dakota Wilkins remains injured after a horrifying accident in the second Daytona Duel! Crew chief Joe "Novacane" Densham renders Dakota's upper body a "twizzler after a hard fall". Fortunately, his lower body looks good. The team had Mike Carroll take the wheel for their time trial run, qualifying 13th. Carroll will stand as their backup driver if Wilkins is not ready to go.

Revolutionary War buff Steve Inkman encountered brain-fade after his miraculous Daytona 500 clincher! "I watched the Hamilton documentary last night." said Inkman. "The guy said Joe Habbits was Washington's running mate. I looked up Joe Habbits for 12 minutes. I listened to it again. He said John Adams the second time!" Hopefully "Big Ink" can rectify his cranial prowess for a top-20 finish!
Friday, February 16th, 6:00 ET